Making Your Own Leaf Mould

“I urge you not to buy any peat products for the garden. Look for alternative potting composts. Make your own. Every time you use a peat-based compost in the garden, you are deliberately participating in the destruction of a non-renewable environment that sustains some of our most beautiful plant and animal life. No garden on this earth is worth that.” – Monty Don

Making Your Own Leaf Mould

Leaf mould is a wonderful soil conditioner, it improves soil structure, and can be used as a mulch and a seed sowing compost. Click here for details on how to make it or read Alys Fowler’s article in praise of leaf mould.

~Collect fallen autumn leaves.
~Pack them while damp into a container – a reusable bin bag or a wireframe.
~Leave them for a year or two. You will have a lovely dark brown mix that supports your soil structure.